In contrast, Jupiter MMXI’s forecasts to the year 2006 show a more positive picture, with an industry value of 29 billion euros. By that time, more than one billion people worldwide will have access to the Internet and be able to view advertising online.
«The research is a wake up call to the industry. Clearly, online advertising has been severely affected by the Dot.com crash, but our research shows that this is not the only reason for the downturn in advertising on the web.There is a lot of work to be done by media sellers to prove the value of advertising on the Internet. Prices have fallen dramatically in the last year, and we believe this is a good time to advertise online.» said StaffanEngdegard, online advertising analyst with Jupiter MMXI.
«Our advice to media buyers and sellers is to address three key challenges to maximise advertising on the Internet: get their message heard above the clutter; measure and prove the value of online advertising; and treat advertising on the Internet as part of a broader media campaign. The companies that can achieve this will dominate the industry and have the lions share of the market, concluded Engdegard.»
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